Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Why the Internet Was invented, Vol. 12

Another slow month for links.  I was too busy doing nothing to do the nothing that I usually don't do.  Happy New Year, Everybody.

  1. I don't know whether it is sad or good that I only recognize ~25% of these songs.
  2.  A great MTV smackdown on the younger generation.
  3. How to annoy a misanthrope with your shitty pictures.
  4. Take two and call me...never.
  5. The Voice does an excellent tribute for the Connecticut shooting.

  1. I'm not exactly sure why this exists, but you're welcome.
  2. Although this is just a simulation, it still gives you a good idea of where we are in the U.S.
  3. This is an absolutely amazing interactive news article about the avalanche at Tunnel Creek.

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